On September 20th at 7:00 at at 251 S 18th Street, we will have our September Meeting. Zoom Registration is here. Agenda: County Transportation Projects JBGS Projects Crystal House 6 Project
Two Presentations on the area!
The first is a powerpoint from JBGS. It is full of facts, figures and maps! The 2nd is an Amazon Video:
Army-Navy Drive Complete Street Project
Army Navy Drive is going to be under construction for the next few years. Expect delays and detours! More Details here.
May 17, 2023 CCCA Meeting
We had a meeting on May 17th and the following pdf’s were presented. Philip did not have a presentation, but reported on the progress on MetPark. Amazon is going to 3 days in the office and expects several thousand employees with in a month.
May 2023 Meeting!
Zoom at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIlc-CgqjkrE9cPdTdRcFB2VWs09iBiaD01 And in person at 251 S 18th Street.
March CCCA Meeting
Wednesday March 29th at 7:00 we will hold our March Meeting. The meeting will be hybrid at 251 South 15th Street (normal location) and on zoom. The link to register for the zoom meeting is here. The Arlington County Police will make a presentation. An additional presentation will be added.
January 2023 CCCA Meeting
On January 18th we held our January meeting in a hybrid format. Below are the powerpoint slide and the video:
January Meeting
Wed. Jan 18, 2023 NOTE: This is a hybrid meeting. Participants may choose to either: Topics include: