From 7-8 pm, we will have a presentation by the County on the opening of the Aquatic Center at Long Bridge Park around July 1 and meet the new facility manager. From 8-9 pm, the National Park Service will make a presentation on upcoming changes in our area and possible…
Alternatives to Calling the Police
SURJ NoVa ( and the Crystal City Civic Association co-hosted a webinar on alternatives to calling the police on Sunday afternoon, April 25. The presentation, breakouts, and discussion were thought-provoking and intense. For many participants, realizing the implications of calling the police were a revelation and something to consider when…
May Newsletter is Out
Well, those who responded to our survey on the Newsletter indicated that they want the Newsletter to be as long as necessary to cover the news—so I guess 14 pages is ok! The highest votes for what to include were the Timeline of Meetings and Development, followed by CCCA, Livability…
April Newsletter is Out
Click here to download 1. Survey: We are gradually modernizing our CCCA procedures and media. We will be issuing more frequent emails to keep you up to date on meetings and issues in coming weeks. In this issue, we are including a survey to ask members what you like, dislike, or…
CCCA Meeting March 17, 7-9 pm
Excellent Meeting–Very informative. You can see the presentation on Project Journey at National Airport by the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority (MWAA) here. The new terminal will open by summer. The work on the security checkpoints is ongoing. You can see the presentation by the Arlington County Police Department about Outreach…
Livability22202 Open Space Working Group Meeting, March 2, 7-9 pm,
(Updated March 3) Open Space: Is it important to you? COVID has shown us how important it is to have parks, trails, and open spaces. Yet 22202 is very lacking in those amenities, except for Virginia Highlands Park and Long Bridge Park. The Livability22202 working group created an open space…
March CCCA Newsletter is Out
(FYI, this is the first Newsletter going by email only to renewed members for 2021.) Click here to download. So many issues, so many meetings, so little time! We need members to become and stay engaged. Highlighting Upcoming Meetings: Please attend the following and lend your ears and voice to ongoing…
Livability22202 Meeting with VDOT on Route 1 Feasibility Study (Summary)
Good meeting February 22 with VDOT. Although the Livability Working Group on Route 1 provided VDOT with 19 pages of comments and requests for more data on their feasibility study, they responded only to a few comments at this meeting and promised more substantive reply on data later on. We…
Livability22202 Meeting on County Planning and Affordable Housing
Good meeting February 9 of the three 22202 civic associations: Arlington Ridge, Aurora Highlands, and Crystal City. 7:00 pm: Matt Mattauszek, Arlington County Master Planner, Crystal City/Pentagon City Planning Coordinator, provided a detailed overview of the county planning activities for 2021 in 22202. The year will be very busy as…
February 2021 Newsletter
Click here to download Don’t forget to renew your membership here and stay involved. After February 1, you may not get your Newsletter or email updates if not paid. This is the last Newsletter for those paid only in 2020. 1. January 27 CCCA Meeting: Read the summary of the…