Census Day
The U.S. Census counts every resident in the nation, including right here in Arlington County. As mandated by the U.S. Constitution, America gets just one chance each decade to count its population. The collected data helps to determine things like the number of seats Virginia has in the House of Representatives, and...
Moving Livability 22202 Forward Zoom Meeting
Join the three 22202 civic associations – Arlington Ridge, Aurora Highlands, Crystal City – July 30 from 7-9 pm for a virtual Zoom meeting on the status of our collective Livability 22202 efforts. A lot has happened since our first Livability 22202 Framework document was published in November 2019, and we have...
Happy Hour
˜Network and learn what's new with the CCCA and the National Landing Bid
Sept. CCCA Meeting
Sept 20th 7:00Pm
March CCCA Meeting
251 18th Street 251 18th Street, Arlington, va, United StatesMarch CCCA