Did you miss it? JBG Smith held a virtual open house meeting on December 2nd on their plans to upgrade the Water Park. There was lots of feedback and interest (as well as some concerns) for this new project feature. For those who were unable to make it, the presentation…
Category: Development
Public Community Meeting on the Water Park
JBG Smith has submitted a site plan amendment to make changes to the Crystal City Water Park, as we have posted previously. At our request, they are holding a virtual public community meeting December 2 from 6-7 pm to show their revised plans and get feedback from the community. JBG…
December 2020 Newsletter
Click here to read. 1. Election of Officers: Welcome to our new (and returning) officers. The following were elected by acclamation poll for a two-year term: Vice President for Policy and Planning: Christopher Wimbush Treasurer: Eric Cassel Membership Liaison: Emily Norton Communications Director: Idris Clay 2. Public Community Meeting on the Water…
CCCA Annual Meeting Highlights
The November 11, 2020, Annual Meeting was live streamed on our CCCA Facebook page and can be viewed there. Election of Officers: The following were elected by acclamation poll for a two-year term: Vice President for Policy and Planning: Christopher Wimbush Treasurer: Eric Cassel Membership Liaison: Emily Norton Communications Director: …
November 2020 Newsletter
Click here to download Happy Halloween and Good Dia de Muertos! 1. Annual Meeting November 11: Be sure to join us for this important Zoom meeting from 7-9 pm. Agenda:1. Elections of 4 CCCA officers for 2 years (see bios in Newsletter)2. Vote on approval of minor ByLaws Amendment (full text on…
CCCA Annual Meeting November 11
Time for updates! As you know, there is lots going on in our area and we try to keep you informed by posting regularly on our CCCA Facebook page and as often as possible on our CCCA and Livability22202 websites. At our Annual Meeting, we will first have Elections for…
July 1-10 Feedback on the Development Plans for 101 S. 12th Street now open
As previously noted, the entire process for reviewing the site plans of developers has gone virtual. The CCCA sponsored a first pre-briefing by JBG Smith on June 8. The County has now opened a one-week period of engagement for the community to provide feedback. There will be a separate period…
Development of 101 S. 12th Street
On June 8, the CCCA sponsored a virtual meeting on WebX with JBG Smith for them to present their development plans for this building which will be the first in the 22202 area to come up for review by a virtual SPRC. Although there were some technical issues with this…

Pre-Briefing on JBG Smith Plans to Develop 101 S. 12th Street
COVID-19 has changed all of our patterns recently, including community outreach and awareness of development projects in Arlington County. The County has recently issued an ordinance on public meetings that will limit in-person participation in SPRC, Planning Commission, and County Board meetings. Since we in the 22202 zip code may…