Category: Livability22202 Letter on Monumental Arena Project
Construction Update on South Clark-Bell Street Demolition
The contractor has completed the structural concrete work and concrete barrier construction. The remaining work includes bringing in fill material for the green spaces, top soil, grass pavers, guardrails, and flat work such as concrete entrances, curb and gutter, and sidewalk paver replacement. Dominion Energy is scheduled to energize the…
Metro releases concepts to improve service on Blue, Orange, Silver lines
Metro released several preliminary concepts to improve reliability, meet future ridership demand, and better serve customers on the Blue, Orange and Silver lines. The concepts, part of the two-year Blue/Orange/Silver Capacity and Reliability Study, include a range of infrastructure improvements and service alternatives to address both short- and long-term needs….
Gunston Bubble is being renovated
The Gunston Bubble is being renovated so that it is more energy efficient and reliable. This Parks Maintenance Capital project will design and construct the athletic facility (bubble), site circulation, electrics & lighting, heating, drainage, stormwater management and landscaping. No new amenities are planned for this project, which is funded by the Capital…
December Newsletter Is Out!
Well, this is a particularly “newsy” Newsletter. There are a number of articles here that needed to be reported in more detail. But hey, we’re close to the holidays–more time to read, no? Seriously, your Executive Board is working hard on a number of issues and we want to keep…
County Board Approves Regulations for Shared Mobility Devices (SMDs)
The Arlington County Board adopted regulations for e-scooters and other shared micro-mobility devices that will allow their use on sidewalks (with limitations), trails, and bike lanes, unless specifically signed or marked otherwise. In operation and user requirements, the devices will be treated largely like bicycles. Devices will be required to…
Construction on Memorial Bridge Reaches Halfway Point
This video from the National Park Service sums up the progress so far and what still needs to be done. You can also see how new traffic patterns on the bridge affects drivers, and bicyclists and pedestrians.
Livability Framework Action Plan Just Released
Throughout 2019, the Arlington Ridge, Aurora Highlands, and Crystal City Civic Associations worked together to develop a Livability Framework. The purpose of this framework is to develop shared values and goals that will achieve a more livable neighborhood. Through a series of workshops bringing together residents with diverse backgrounds and…
395 Express Lanes open Nov. 17
The 395 Express Lanes will run from near Edsall Road in Fairfax County right up to the 14th Street Bridge in DC You’ll need an E-ZPass® or E-ZPass® Flex to drive the 395 Express Lanes Like the rest of the network, tolling and HOV-3 rules will be in effect 24/7,…
November Newsletter is Out!
A few things you’ll find highlighted in this month’s CCCA Newsletter: 1. Be sure to come to our Annual General Meeting on November 13 from 7-9 pm. With all that’s going on in Crystal City, with Amazon coming, with the BID changes, you’ll want to come here from the key players. …