Beginning on or about Tuesday, January 14, the pedestrian walkway between airport Terminal B and the Metro station will close nightly from Midnight to 9:00 a.m. on weekdays. Passengers walking between Terminal garages, the Metro station and Terminal B/C will follow detour signage to the walkway in Terminal C from…
Category: Livability22202 Letter on Monumental Arena Project
Project Journey Construction
Beginning on or about Monday, January 6, the outer lanes of the Terminal B/C Arrivals (lower) level roadway used for private vehicle and ride app pickup will close from Midnight to 9:00 a.m. Monday through Friday for construction. All passengers arriving at Gates 10-45 and being picked up by a…
January Newsletter Is Out!
Welcome to the new world of the 20s! Hey, didn’t we do that 100 years ago? We have lots of plans for this year and we hope it will be a great one for all of us. Remember that CCCA dues are paid annually on a calendar basis. If you haven’t…
Message from County Board Vice Chair Libby Garvey Re: Airplane Noise
Arlington County Board Vice Chair Libby Garvey recently made a statement regarding the airplane noise in Arlington. You can read her entire statement on the Arlington County website. Some key takeaways include: The joint RFP issued by Arlington and Montgomery Counties to hire a consultant to help us get good…
How Should Arlington Be Spending Money?
Budget season has started for County government – and they want to hear your thoughts on how to best spend taxpayer dollars. This year, Arlington County is working on the annual operating budget, which covers spending on County programs, services and administration, as well as the 10-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), which outlines…
Closing of the Crystal City Connection Library
Despite our best efforts, our beloved Pop Up Library in the underground is closing December 27. Our efforts now are on getting a permanent library in Crystal City as a community benefit. We’re continuing to work on this and will be meeting with the County Manager in January to discuss…
Arlington County to Begin Missing Middle Housing Study in 2020
The County Manager yesterday reviewed with the County Board a framework for the Missing Middle Housing Study, which is anticipated to begin in 2020. The study is under the Housing Arlington umbrella and will explore if and how missing middle housing could help address Arlington’s limited housing supply and inadequate housing choices. Missing middle housing types—such as duplexes and triplexes—are currently restricted in many neighborhoods by Arlington’s land use policy and…
New Bus Route Dulles to Union Station
The new year will bring new service from Virginia Breeze, the state government’s two-year-old intercity bus service. The Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation has announced plans for a pair of new routes for the coming year, including twice daily service between Danville and Washington’s Union Station, a 250-mile…
Crystal Houses Project Still Has Problems
Although the County Board unanimously approved the developer’s proposal to expand the property, the three 22202 civic associations tried unsuccessfully for modifications because we felt the proposal was weak and had deficiencies. We are not happy with the flawed process nor the outcome: Parking: Board approval of additional parking spaces…