Category: Livability22202 Letter on Monumental Arena Project
Digital eCheckup
Arlington County has launched a broadband study to better understand our community’s internet use and access. As part of this work, we’re asking residents and businesses to participate in a digital eCheckup. It is critical that we hear from those who may not have adequate access or connectivity so we understand…
Agenda for September Meeting
CCCA updates and reminders. 10-15 Minutes 2. Transportation Options without Metro– 10-15 Minutes Metro is having a ton of construction. What are the alternatives? 3. Marine Corps Marathon (Director) 10- Minutes 4. Update from the Bid on a parklet 10- Minutes 5. JBGS Construction and Permit Update 1 hour 6. General Questions – Rest of…
Housing Renter Study
The housing workgroup of Livability 22202 is a community, volunteer-run effort in our neighborhood to address unmet housing needs. We know there have been a lot of changes in the past year, especially in terms of cost of living and housing. As development continues, Housing Livability 22202 is curious about…
May Meeting Summary
Amazon, Dweck, and Route 1 were on the May 18 CCCA meeting agenda. Patrick Phillippi, Senior Manager of Amazon’s Public Engagement, spoke about Metropolitan Park, currently under construction at 15th and South Fern St. The area will be finished next year and host public facing events such as movie nights and…
Response from VDOT on Route 1
On April 8 VDOT replied point by point to the Livability22202 February 27 letter on our concerns and questions about the Feasibiity Study for Route 1, but does not appear to have been moved by any of our arguments beyond what they have already agreed to. See the letter here. However, one positive…
November 2021 Newsletter
Click here to download the Newsletter Save the Date: November 17 Annual CCCA General Meeting, 7-9 pmOur agenda includes: 1) Election of new officers;2) Vote on ByLaws Amendment;3) presentation by Amazon on its operations in 22202 and its plans for PenPlace; and4) conversation with Virginia Representative (48th district) Rip Sullivan (who covers…
Transitway Changes on 12th Street
Transitway Impact on Waterford House Coming The County has finally clarified details on its 100% design for the Transitway to come up Crystal Drive to 12th Street and on to Pentagon City. In response to repeated complaints from Waterford House, Crystal Gateway, other residents, and the CCCA, the County has…
June 2021 CCCA Newsletter
Click to download here Have a good Memorial Day in all those who have served our country in so many ways. May 19 CCCA Meeting: We had two great presentations on the Long Bridge Park Aquatic Center and the National Park Service. Read about it in the Newsletter. As usual,…
Breaking News: Housing Workshop Report Released
We are pleased, after a year of work, two well attended workshops and many meetings of a ten person working group, to be able to share the report on housing livability in 22202. This report was previously shared in draft form with participants of Livability workshops as well as presented…