Transitway Impact on Waterford House Coming The County has finally clarified details on its 100% design for the Transitway to come up Crystal Drive to 12th Street and on to Pentagon City. In response to repeated complaints from Waterford House, Crystal Gateway, other residents, and the CCCA, the County has…
Author: cfuller603
CCCA September Newsletter
Click here to download. So much for returning to normal. With Delta looming over us, we’re going to continue meeting on Zoom for the indefinite future, even with the forthcoming booster shots.. Please help inform our decisions on future CCCA meetings by responding to our survey. We continue to have great…
Seeking a CCCA Social Media Intern
The CCCA has posted a position description for a Social Media Intern for the Fall. Since we are a small non-profit and cannot afford to pay an hourly rate, this might be a great opportunity for a high school student with great social media skills to build a resume. It’s…
CCCA August 2021 Newsletter
click to download Highlights:1. National Night Out August 3: The three civic associations in 22202–Arlington Ridge, Aurora Highlands, Crystal City–have joined with the National Landing BID to co-sponsor National Night Out in the Summer House and park at 101 S. 12th Street. National Night Out is a community-police awareness-raising event in the…
CCCA General Meeting July 21, 7-9 pm
The agenda for the meeting on Wednesday, July 21, 7-9 pm was: 1. Updates by JBG Smith on development: 223 S 23rd Street/2250 Crystal Drive; pocket parks on 18th Street; and construction on 1900 Crystal Drive and 2000/2001 S Bell Street. See the PowerPoint here. The revised JBGS plans will…
HUG Inauguration Ceremony July 26
The Livability22202 Open Space Working Group and Friends of Urban Agriculture (FOUA) hosted a small ceremony and media event July 26 to inaugurate the Highlands Urban Garden (HUG) in Virginia Highlands Park and to thank our donors, volunteers, and the County for their support. We’ve been in operation at the…

CCCA General Meeting July 21
Plan to attend the Crystal City Civic Association meeting on Wednesday, July 21, 7PM to learn about the revised JBGS plans for Crystal Plaza 5 (2250 Crystal Drive and 223 23rd) on Block M in Crystal City and to hear an update on plans for the Virginia Tech Innovation Campus…

CCCA July Newsletter
Click here to download 1. Call for Civic Engagement! We are a very dynamic area, with lots of apartment dwellers coming and going. That means also that our CCCA officers and volunteers come and go! So we are looking for more folks to join us as observers or officers in…
Livability22202 Update
On June15, Eric Cassell presented a slide show showing the progress, involvement, and achievements to date of the Livability22202 coalition of the three civic associations in 22202—Arlington Ridge Aurora Highlands, and Crystal City. See the slide show here.
Livability22202 Route 1 Working Group Rejects VDOT Study
After 10 months of study and public meetings, VDOT released its feasibility report on Route 1 at the final Public Information Meeting June 16. No surprise: the recommendation is to bring Route 1 down to grade. The Livability Working Group released a press release on June 27. Read the full text…