The following buildings are already participating: Crystal Plaza Crystal Park We Live Waterford House Crystal Flats Crystal Lofts Crystal Towers JBG Smith 2100 Crystal Drive
Author: cfuller603
3 Local Civic Associations Host Successful Special Food Drive
Amazing work yesterday by our remarkable wonderful community. 824lbs of food delivered to Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) three location, 3 hours and smiles that were easy to see from 6 ft away. Aurora Highlands Civic Association FlareRide Crystal City Civic Associationstay tuned to SustainableScoop and find out how to set up your own #mobilefooddrive Arlington Neighbors Helping Each…

Census 2020 in Crystal City
In the midst of all the news about the virus, don’t forget to send in your response to the 2020 Census now. Now that we’re all supposed to be locked down, there’s really no excuse, even if there’s a delay because you have to send it in by mail. Between March…
March Newsletter is Out!
There’s a lot going on in our neighborhood. Here are some highlights: 1. Livability Framework Workshops: Open Space February 22: We had about 70 participants for a very productive workshop at the Crystal City Marriott on four topics: 1) Re-envisioning Virginia Highlands Park as the backyard for the Pentagon City community;…

Livability Framework: Housing Affordability Workshop #2
In our first Housing Affordability Workshop, we focused on working through issues of housing barriers and neighborhood values. On March 7, we will hold our second workshop on Housing Affordability in the 2202, focused on working through issues of housing barriers and neighborhood values. Participants in this second workshop, who…
Provide Input on the Capital Budget
The FY2021-FY2030 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is Arlington County’s 10-year plan for building, maintaining, upgrading or replacing County facilities, equipment and infrastructure. The plan is updated and adopted every two years. To develop the right plan for our community, the county is asking for your help! Tell us your priorities….

Mark Your Calendar: Important 2020 Census Dates
March 12-20: Initial invitations to respond online and by phone will be delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. Areas that are less likely to respond online will receive a paper questionnaire along with the invitation to respond online or over the phone. March 16-24: Reminder letters will be delivered. March…
Did you miss January’s Livability Framework Workshop?
In January, the civic associations of 22202 hosted our first successful Livability Framework Workshop on housing. Neighbors came together to share stories, workshop solutions, and formulate paths forward. If you couldn’t make the first Livability Framework workshop, there are four more workshops coming. The next is: Livability Framework: Open Space…
A Successful Crystal City Renter’s Happy Hour
Nearly 100 renters attended this first-ever Crystal City Renter’s Happy Hour, co-hosted by the Crystal City BID. A brief program included remarks from the CCCA President, Census representativs, Arlington County Board Member Katie Cristol, the Crystal City BID, and JBG Smith (which graciously volunteered their marketing center as a venue)….