1. Message from Your President: A big thank you to everyone who made January’s Meeting a success! We had a presentation by VDOT on the proposed changes to Route 1. Then a discussion panel with Carol Fuller, Pam Van Hine, and Arthur Fox, led by Brian Harner. Lastly, we had a presentation by the County Mental Health Director- Carol Layer on their resources. All the presentations are on the CCCA website. Our next meeting will be in March and we are open to suggestions for topics!
2. REMINDER: Annual Dues Payment Now Overdue: NOTE: If you have not paid your 2022 annual dues, this is the last Newsletter you will receive by email. Annual dues are paid for the calendar year, so payment of $10 will be due no later than February 28 for members to remain on the mailing list as voting members to receive the monthly Newsletter and Updates. Renew online by PayPal or send a check to our new Treasurer Steve Miller, 1300 Crystal Drive #408S, Arlington VA 22202. A confirmation email will be sent by February 28 to all those who have paid their 2022 dues.
3. Seeking a New Newsletter Editor: Your CCCA Newsletter Editor is retiring. Time for new blood, ideas, and innovative format. If you’re interested in writing the monthly Newsletter, let us know at [email protected]. Glad to provide training and all the necessary contacts.