- Save the Date for the Next CCCA Meeting: January 19, 7-9 pm
We plan to devote most of the meeting to updates on Route 1. VDOT’s Senior Project Manager Dan Reinhard will provide an updated timeline for Phase 2 and a Livability22202 panel will respond with neighborhood residential reaction and comments. We will also have Carol Layer, the Director of the DHS Behavioral Healthcare Division on County Mental Health Services. Register here.
2. President’s Corner (Eric Cassel)
Thanks to all who participated in our surveys. The results are in a separate article. Next month we will have a new survey, so stay tuned.
We will be having our January 19th meeting at 7:00. Right now we hope to have it hybrid (both at 251 18th St S and on Zoom). But if the number of COVID cases continues at the current pace, we may just be on zoom.
Most of the meeting will be on Route 1. Our first quest is Dan Reinhard from VDOT. He will be presenting information about the Phase 2 planning. To help everyone understand the issues, we will follow that with a discussion by several Livability22202 experts.
Lastly, winter can be a tough time for people. As a result, we will also have a presentation by county on mental health resources.
Bird of the Month: during winter, this White-Throated Sparrow comes and visits us.

Results of Two Polls
We did two polls in the past month. The first was a general poll about the Civic Association. The main results were
- Hybrid was ok, but needed improvement
- Facebook and Nextdoor were the two most used social platforms
- The top topics were The Underground, JBGS Development, Amazon Development and General Transportation.
We also did a poll about the Bowlero. The results were really evenly mixed, so as an Association, we could not take a stand on the annual license renewal.
Overall, the surveys were really helpful in focusing our attention on some important issues and topics members want to see discussed. Our next meeting will feature Route 1, because it is at an unusual stage and we have an opportunity to hear from VDOT about the process and proposal. In future meeting, the Underground and Development issues will be front and center. Please click here for a link to the results: Results of polls
3. REMINDER: Pay your annual CCCA dues now: Annual dues are paid for the calendar year, so payment of $10 will be due no later than February 28 for members to remain on the mailing list as voting members to receive the monthly Newsletter and Updates. Renew online by PayPal or send a check to our new Treasurer Steve Miller, 1300 Crystal Drive #408S, Arlington VA 22202.