As you may have heard, a study will kick off soon to change Route 1 north of 23rd Street. The proposal is to drop Route 1 to grade, eliminating the 15th and 18th Street underpasses. This is just a study and no decisions have been made.
On August 26, the three zip code 22202 civic associations–Aurora Highlands, Arlington Ridge, and Crystal City–hosted a web meeting on a study to bring portions of Route 1 down to grade. The meeting was recorded so those who didn’t participate can watch it, and it is posted on the Crystal City Civic Association Facebook page and Google Drive. The meeting begins at 5:40 minutes, so jump ahead to that point. It will eventually be posted on the Livability22202 website as well, along with the slideshow which can be seen on Google Drive.
Part of the presentation was to introduce a survey to better understand how you may cross Route 1. Please take the survey so we have the best understanding of the community thoughts. The survey is at https://forms.gle/YDuHtYQs8n4LrVxJ6 and will be available until September 10. This is our way of doing community outreach as broadly as possible. If you missed the meeting, you might wish to view it on the Facebook page before responding to the survey since a lot of information was shared during the meeting which might address your questions or concerns.
Finally, a reminder that our next meeting will be on September 30. We have invited the National Landing BID to share a study that they have prepared on ideas for Route 1, and we will also share with you the analysis of the survey we are currently conducting. It is possible that VDOT will have launched its own website by that time about the VDOT Feasibility Study they will conduct this year. We are told that the County will ensure that VDOT utilizes the Pentagon City transportation data to inform the Route 1 analysis: https://projects.arlingtonva.us/plans-studies/pentagon-city-planning-study/pentagon-city-planning-study-transportation-analysis/
There are a lot of other meetings coming up in September of interest to the community. If you’re not already a member, or attuned to, one of the 3 civic associations, this would be the time to join and find out what’s going on.