As previously noted, the entire process for reviewing the site plans of developers has gone virtual. The CCCA sponsored a first pre-briefing by JBG Smith on June 8. The County has now opened a one-week period of engagement for the community to provide feedback. There will be a separate period later in July for additional feedback. Then the entire project will go to the Site Plan Review Committee (SPRC).
That means, our input is critical. Whatever concerns or issues you have, this is the time to raise them. Please note that the design of the Gateway Park at the entrance to Long Bridge Park will not/not be part of this SPRC process, but come later. So comments should be focused on any issues related to construction of the proposed building. This could include concerns about such issues as: 1) traffic; 2) the Ball Street extension from 10th to 12th Streets; 3) storm water runoff; 4) building height; etc.
The Site Plan Review Committee (SPRC) is seeking community input about a proposed site plan at 101 12th Street S. known as Crystal Gateway. You’re invited to review project materials and provide comments online during the engagement session which will run from July 1 to July 8.
This feedback window will focus on the block plan, land use and zoning, site design, architecture, and transportation.
- Staff Block Plan Presentation
- Applicant Block Plan Presentation
- Staff Site Plan Presentation
- Applicant Site Plan Presentation
- Staff Report
- Visit the project website for more background materials
After reviewing the materials above, use the online feedback form to share your input.
The staff planner for this project is Courtney Badger: [email protected].
The SPRC Chair for this review process is Tenley Peterson: [email protected].
Full information available here.https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/VAARLINGTON/bulletins/293757f