In the midst of so much turmoil, our Newsletter remains stable to provide essential local information. Welcome to Phase One. Even if we go to Phase Two, it looks like that may last a long time and we are going to be “virtual” for some time to come. Stay tuned for plans of upcoming virtual meetings.
Newsletter highlights:
1. Elections: All you need to know about the June 23 and July 7 elections can be found on the attached URL for the County’s Election #5 Update, including how to request an absentee ballot and where to drop it off. Voting by mail is recommended and you can drop your ballot off at the Aurora Hills Library at certain times.
2. Pre-Briefing on 101 S. 12th Street: In advance of the expected SPRC meeting to be held by the County on JBG Smith’s development plans for 101 S. 12th Street, JBG Smith is offering voluntarily an informal briefing open to the public for information purposes and questions. The Crystal City Civic Association is sponsoring this meeting since the development will be done in Crystal City in order to ensure substantial outreach to the community during the COVID-19 crisis which has made face to face meetings impossible. JBG will be hosting this virtual meeting on WebX June 8 from 7-8 pm with a 20-25 minute presentation by JBG Smith followed by a Q and A period. The participation will be by pre-registration only for security purposes and is open to 22202 residents and other invited guests, including County planners. In order to attend, please register on the link below included in the Newsletter.
3. Census 2020: Once again, the Crystal City area has one of the lowest response rates in the County because of the nature of the multifamily buildings. Overall, Arlington County has a 69.4% response rate whereas Crystal City has 58.6%. Those households that have not yet responded to the census will receive an in person visit by a census taker to collect their information later this summer.
4. Livability Updates: Because of the COVID-19 shutdown, our two remaining workshops have been postponed indefinitely. But the planning committee for the Underground Workshop came up with a new idea. Have either a writing, photography or videography interest? The Crystal City Underground workshop planning group is planning an “Underground Challenge” to spark creative thinking and conversation about the future of this space. We will be announcing several different creative exercises during the month of June and perhaps a full CCCA meeting on Zoom to include the results of both the Housing and Open Space Workshops and the way forward.
Your President
Carol Fuller